Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Walmart's Holiday Advertisements

Walmart Ads for the Holidays
As everyone knows it’s December. With December here it brings the joyful holidays. With this a lot of companies start to advertise their great deals that they will have. As I was watching TV the other day, I noticed how Walmart started to show off their cheap deals. We all know that Walmart is known for their cheap deals. They know a lot of people are struggling in this economy right now. They show off their big TV’s that can sell for a cheap price. One way they do this is by saying they will beat other companies deals. I saw one commercial that Walmart created a challenge. The challenge was that you could get cheaper deals at Walmart. The person went to one store and bought certain items. After they did this they went to Walmart and did the same thing. At Walmart they got the same things for cheaper. Walmart is really good at targeting certain audiences.
One audience that Walmart tries to get is men. Who wouldn’t want to watch your favorite football team on a big HD TV? I definitely would. Walmart is really good at showing off these big TVs. With this they are targeting men by talking about sports with the big TVs. In one of the commercials it shows a big man trying to buy a TV. The man says the family loves to watch the TV during the holiday seasons. He then says that it has to be big so everyone can see it. The man that’s working at Walmart then points out a TV that would be big enough, and in a price range that is affordable. Walmart targets these men that can afford this for a great price. They make you want to buy a big TV that the whole family can enjoy. The ad seems to be very effective for this. I think a lot of men will go and buy a big cheap TV. They will want to enjoy some great football and basketball games on it.
Another target that they want to hit are women. In one of the commercials they show a women that just got back from shopping from Walmart. The women had gotten groceries. After she puts down the groceries, she starts to dance. The camera later reveals that her husband and child are watching her. The kid then says “mom must have gone to Walmart.” This shows that the woman was very happy with her purchases at Walmart. It doesn’t clearly show if she got the items for cheap or not, however it does show that she was happy. I think a lot of women that go shopping for groceries want the cheapest, and good quality groceries they can find. In the ad you can clearly see that the women is happy with her purchases there. I find that the ad was pretty good. It doesn’t clearly show why she is happy, but I think we can assume it has to do with the price. She bought a lot of items, so I would assume the prices were pretty cheap.
I’ve seen so many Walmart commercials that show families getting cellphones together. Walmart claims that you can get cheaper phones there. There is a commercial of a husband and wife buying cell phones for their family. They are so happy by getting the phones for cheap and they are nice phones! They also get a deal that they 100 dollars for every phone they buy. The phones that they buy now can help keep the family connected. The commercial is pretty effective for many reasons. First off you are getting a hundred dollars every time you buy a cell phone. That will help out a lot for buying more items. The other reason is they include your family being connected. You want your family to be as connected as much as possible. By buying these phones you get them for cheap and your family stays connected.
Overall Walmart does a good job with their commercial ads. They can target certain types of people for their products. They show they can sell products for cheap and they can still be good products. Everyone wants his or her products to be cheap but still good. This is what Walmart tries to do with their products. Their ads definitely play a big part during the holiday season!

-Nathan Bond

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