As a presidential candidate, stakes are pretty high; to win people over with your words and ideas, is to receive a vote that you didn’t have before. I understand how the candidates feel that exaggerations or ideals can win extra voters, but the fact that they have been utilizing ‘loose truths’ has caused me to lose respect for each of them.
The Daily Beast was able to specifically address Romney’s consistent claim of Obama going on an “apology tour”. If you’re going to make a solid claim, and address it in each debate, I really hope to God that it is a factual statement. Unfortunately for Romney, “Fact-checkers at Politifact, the Washington Post, and have gone over those speeches Romney refers to and have concluded, time and again, that President Obama made no apologies for the United States.” The article goes on to explain that Obama has acknowledged that our country has made mistakes in the past, but “not once did he apologize”.
Obtaining the role of the American President requires a sense of maturity that, quite honestly, I’m not sure that Mitt Romney has. When Barack Obama acknowledged the past mistakes the US made, it was his way of showing the world that he is aware, and that he intends to make the future better than the past. This was a risky move, but for Mitt Romney to call it an “apology tour”, shows disrespect and lack of understanding.
My point here is not to favor one candidate over the other. I chose this article merely because it highlighted the subject that caught my attention; Mitt Romney pounded the "apology tour" and he was inconsistent with his reasoning. This landed him no where in my book, demonstrating that clinging to a 'loose truth' leaves you with egg on your face at the end of the day; lying to the general public in a leadership position gets you no where.
-Rachel Koch
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